Friday, October 10, 2008

GOOD vs. BAD days

When tech gals have good days...we have GOOD days. Unexpectedly, today turned into one of those good days. I was totally on, got all of the sh*t I had to do taken care of and in general killed it. Of course the flip side of this is that yesterday was a BAD day. I was feeling low, nothing seemed to be going my way and all the items on my to-do list seemed to overwhelm me. No matter what I did, no matter how much caffeine I had, I couldn't shake the feeling that the world was crashing down on top of me. Ah, but those depressing feelings are gone now! Today is also excellent because it is FRIDAY and I had OSHA thai for lunch which is by far the best place to get Thai food downtown. I included this lovely pic of their fresh spring rolls (the peanut sauce is killer) to make all you out there in blog-land jealous. Plus, one of my girls is coming up from LA today which also can be added to the happy list. AND the weather is gorgeous, clear but can definitely tell it's fall. And on top of all THAT the blue angels are out practicing which I love love love. Sure they are loud, pollute the environment, and are war machines, but I seriously LOVE them. I cannot wait until this weekend to hit up a roof party and watch them in awe! Happy Friday!

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